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Not working with AVG running


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The program will just not work when I have AVG antivirus running (this could be fixed on AVG's side) I did get a notice saying that the program was sent to AVG for them to test and see if this is a bad program: /


So far I cant work with 2.0 at all.. 

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Paul Suarez

Hi @daveonline. I actually am using AVG before and have used Synergy v2 on it. Indeed, it'll show you a warning about it. It might even have told you already that you have found a rare file, right? If you notice that there's a button on the lower right part of that notification saying "More details," click it and you should have other options. You can also set Synergy's folder to be excluded on scans.

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I am not sure if its AVG or something else but its just not working on the computer that has AVG - here is a screen shot - 



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