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Installer dmg corrupted file


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Hello there,

I cannot open the installer file. It was probably created using a Windows or Linux app,

I am primarily a Mac user with Linux leanings, I just signed up from LinusTechTips, and very excited to try your software, but as you can see from my attached screenshot, the dmg is damaged. Please repost a fixed version.

I am running Mac OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan

Thank you!



Synergy DMGs not mounting.jpg



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Hi Paul,

from the installer download page. But the problem seems to have been corrected by somebody, so thanks. I got it installed about an hour ago from a fresh download. I'll need some tome to setup and play with it,



Synergy downloads page.jpg

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Paul Suarez

That's great @gaia9! Could be just an issue while downloading it from our site. Thanks for the update by the way. Have a great day!;)

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