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Hotkey not working on Mac


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Server: macOS Sierra, Synergy 1.9.0 - Apple Keyboard, Logitech Gaming Mouse
Client: Windows 10, Synergy 1.9.0

Synergy is working OK - it's a little laggy at times but I managed a game of TF2 the other day and wasn't any worse than usual, so....

However, I'm having trouble getting the "lock to screen" hotkey to work on my server using the above config. The Mac doesn't have a Scroll Lock key, although I've read elsewhere I should be able to use F14 for this - it doesn't work. I tried setting F13 and - on the Windows client at least - this works fine. It locks and you see log machines on the Mac saying so. It doesn't matter what hotkey I pick - even something simple like an alpha key - the Mac won't lock.

What's the fix for this or, alternatively, is there a way to prevent machine switching via moving the mouse and lock it purely to a hotkey to switch machines instead? This way the cursor / keyboard will stay where I want it until I press a key and there won't be any accidental switching.

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Paul Suarez

Hi @MikkyX. You can leave a gap between the two screens on your server configuration interface first. Then you can create your own hotkeys on the next tab of that interface. You can set different hotkeys to switch to different screens.

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Paul Suarez

There's a lot of variables to consider when it doesn't work. Try to set a hotkey after setting a gap and let's try to find out if it still won't work.

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Hi again. F13 worked as a hotkey to lock the cursor (but only on the Windows side) - if I put a gap between the machines and then try to use F13 to switch to Windows, it's ignored. Any other hotkey I try is also ignored, meaning I cannot switch to the Windows machine at all now.

To be honest, between these issues and the occasional laggy movement when I DO get the cursor onto the Windows side, I'm considering requesting a refund if I can't get this to work as I need it soon. Am willing to try other suggestions first, if you have them.

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More info, after more experimenting: I've set Meta+F13 to switch to Windows, and Meta+F16 to switch to the Mac (server). If I keep the machines together and move the mouse onto the Windows machine, when I press the hotkeys I see a message saying "found key in group 0", but the configured action does not occur. When I press the hotkeys on the Mac, NOTHING happens, and nothing appears in the log window.

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  • 1 year later...

I also have this problem using Synergy 1 Basic v1.10.0-stable-275cdc1c. I have a Macbook Pro running OSX 10.13.5 with a second monitor. I also have a PC running Windows 10 setup with its own monitor to the left of that. My Mac is the server and the PC is the client. Physical setup:

[Windows-Monitor] [Mac-Monitor] [Macbook Screen]

Hotkeys do not work at all. I have tried multiple combinations of ctrl/cmd + shift + left, ctrl/cmd + left, ctrl/cmd + meta + left etc. and I’ve also tried using home, end, pause, ; and other keys instead of left.

For actions I’ve tried switchToScreen(myPC/myMac) and switchInDirection(left/right). I’ve tried using the hotkeys with Synergy open and focused, desktop/finder focused, chrome focused, and from my PC in a variety of contexts. Nothing works.

No errors or INFO or warnings appear in the Synergy console either when I enter hotkey commands on my Mac. When I enter the hotkey commands on my PC the only thing that appears in the log is “INFO: found key in group 0”, which I assume just means I was hitting the command/ctrl/meta keys.

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Got a response from support, these are known bugs for the Mac version of Synergy 1. No estimate of time on if or when they will be fixed.

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