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2 computers on public network


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Hi all,

I've previously used synergy at home to connect two computers.  However I'm away and using a public network at a hotel.  I didn't consider the difference between using a home network vs public network.  Has anyone had any success doing this?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Paul Suarez

If you have a smart phone with you, I think it's better to make it as an access point. Connect your machines to the wireless network of that smartphone. It's way more secure than connecting to a hotel's network. You won't need to turn mobile data on, just the access point.

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Hi Paul,

I was just typing out a message to try to be more specific.  I know how vague help requests can be annoying.

The smart phone method is not really workable for my situation, though that is an interesting suggestion to consider in the future.

I'm having trouble getting the two computers to connect.  I've attached screenshots of the server and client.  It seems they're on the same subnet.  They're connected to the same wifi connection.  They're both discoverable on the network.

If you have any ideas I'd love to hear.



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from the command prompt on the client computer, I tried pinging the server IP but all 4 requests timed out.

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Paul Suarez

Having timed out request means they can't even communicate on that network. I apologize but it might really not work on that network. I have tried that smartphone trick myself and worked great for me.

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Hi Paul,

One last follow up if you have a moment.

I tried pinging again, and it says "Destination host unreachable".  Is this the same dead end as the "request timed out" message?

I would try the smartphone idea, however it seems that in order to have the two laptops connect to a smartphone wifi hotspot, the phone has to disconnect from the hotel wifi, and would then need to use mobile data.  I do need internet on both computers, but I'm roaming so the mobile data charges would be a killer.  If you have any ideas for a workaround, I'd love to hear.  If not, no worries.  Either way, thank you for your help in these forums.

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Paul Suarez
22 hours ago, nasdorq said:

I tried pinging again, and it says "Destination host unreachable".  Is this the same dead end as the "request timed out" message?

Destination host unreachable means it could be that the machine you are using to ping the other one is not connected to a network. That could also mean that the machine you are pinging is not connected to that network where you are connected. Or it is connected to the same network but is on a different subnet from where your current machine is on.

Are you mostly going to places which you can't have a network that you can control or administer on your own?

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Both laptops are connected to the network and receiving internet.  They both have the same subnet also.  I guess the hotel router has some kind of firewall. 

I will mostly be in places where i dont have admin access.

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Paul Suarez
3 minutes ago, nasdorq said:

I will mostly be in places where i dont have admin access.

That being said, I guess it would be best if you'll have a pocket router with you all the time. One that can be an access point, wireless repeater and a wireless router.

For places that you can get Internet access from an Ethernet port. You can connect an Ethernet cable from that port to your pocket router and have your machines connect to wireless network it'll create. That way you have your machines on the same network (with your own restrictions) and have Internet access on your machines at the same time.

For places where you can only get Internet access from a wireless network. You can set that pocket router for it to be a wireless repeater. That way you can also have your machines on the same network (with your own restrictions) and also have Internet access on your machines at the same time.


***Please note that some networks have Access Point isolation switched on. This might block you from getting Internet access in connecting a router or a wireless repeater on those networks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Paul,

I'm looking into your pocket router suggestion.  I was hoping to have the pocket router be able to retrieve internet wirelessly from the main wifi router, and then have my 3 computers have wired connections into the pocket router.  I figured that way there would only be one wifi signal going back and forth between the two routers, and my devices would share that connection.  I also figure that wifi speed capability of the pocket router would be better than some of my laptops, and might give me a faster connection on those devices.

Do you know what the pocket router would be called?  I'm looking at all these different products, but I'm worried I might buy the wrong one.  Perhaps any wireless router would work?

My apologies, I don't want to seem like I'm asking for unrelated free IT advice, as the main goal is so I can get Symless working when travelling.  If you have any tips I would be appreciative.



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Paul Suarez

That's totally fine @nasdorq. I can give you a suggestion. But this is entirely a suggestion, alright?;)

You can check out RE580D by TP-Link. I guess that best fits your needs. Try to contact their support as well to double check on the features. ^_^

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Thank you sir!  Something like that looks good, but ill contact them first.

One thought, as a backup or alternative in case it doesn't work, or the main router has Access Point isolation enabled.

As i have it now, with computers getting wifi from a public network, but cant see eachother on the network.  Would connecting two laptops with an ethernet crossover cable allow them to see eachother and use synergy?  

Last question I promise.  ☺



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Paul Suarez

Yep, that could be done with that setup @nasdorq. Don't tell anyone (as if they can't read this LOL), but actually my two laptops are connected with that setup right now. It's just a bit tricky since connecting both machines with an Ethernet cable means having an APIPA IP address on both. But it should work. ;)

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