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Can't drag&drop files between Windows 10 computers

Samuel Tønnessen

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Samuel Tønnessen

So, I bought Synergy in order to drag and drop files between the computers. I got other (free) software for merely moving the cursor between the computers. It's a desktop and a laptop, both running Windows 10 x64, both are currently connected using Ethernet. The desktop's the server.

When I try grabbing a file on either computer and dragging it across to the other computer, the cursor no longer indicates that I'm holding a file after crossing over to the other computer, and releasing the mouse where I want the file does nothing.

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Samuel Tønnessen
8 minutes ago, Paul Suarez said:

How big us the file you are trying to move @Samuel Tønnessen? What is the file type and where is it saved on that machine?

I tried grabbing various files of different types and sizes, which doesn't seem to make a difference. They're mostly in the Documents and Pictures folder. The Documents and Pictures folder is located at the D: drive on the desktop, and on the C: drive on the laptop.

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Paul Suarez

I see. But have you tried if the normal copy - paste works? Also, can you try drag and drop with files saved on machine A's desktop to machine B's desktop as well?

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Samuel Tønnessen
28 minutes ago, Paul Suarez said:

I see. But have you tried if the normal copy - paste works? Also, can you try drag and drop with files saved on the from machine A's desktop to machine B's desktop as well?

Copying and pasting text between the computers works just fine, but not files. Taking a screenshot using the print-screen button on one computer and pasting into paint on the other works, though. Dragging and dropping between the computer's desktops doesn't work, regardless of which way I'm doing it.

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Paul Suarez

Please set both machine's logging level to Debug 1.

*Before starting with the steps, make sure that both machine's Synergy is not running (stopped)

  1. Click Edit (on top)
  2. Click Settings
  3. Set Logging level to Debug1
  4. Click OK
  5. Restart Synergy by closing and re-opening it

* Do the same steps on both machines before trying to reconnect

Paste the log results on Pastebin or Gist then post the link here.

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Samuel Tønnessen
20 hours ago, Paul Suarez said:

Please set both machine's logging level to Debug 1.

*Before starting with the steps, make sure that both machine's Synergy is not running (stopped)

  1. Click Edit (on top)
  2. Click Settings
  3. Set Logging level to Debug1
  4. Click OK
  5. Restart Synergy by closing and re-opening it

* Do the same steps on both machines before trying to reconnect

Paste the log results on Pastebin or Gist then post the link here.

Wait... Looking through it now, I now noticed that it contains my serial key, and I'm unable to remove it. Is this really such a good idea to post publicly?

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Bryan Watson

I'm in the same boat. I've never been able to drag and drop files. Just to copy and paste text I have to have the Synergy window open on both computers.

Good luck.

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Samuel Tønnessen
4 hours ago, Paul Suarez said:

What you can do is to edit it before saving in pastebin.

If I knew beforehand that the serial key is in there, I'd have done that. Though, right now I can't edit the pastebin or forum post. But at least the pastebin is unlisted, so removing the link so I can make a new one without my serial in it should do the trick.

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Hello there,

greetings from Germany.
I found a Solutions that worked for me and my Friends(Diffrent Plattforms Win 7 to 10 and 8 so 8.1 Mac.....)
We just changed the Log fromn Info to Debug 1 on Server and on the Client(`s).
[Also trie to disable SSL Encryption]
We reload the Config on Both an it worked just fine.
By Drag and Drop as well ass strg-c / -v.
I were able to change the log output to back to info and it still works.
For me this is a strange error, because effectivly i did nothing by it seems that something in the backend happend.....

Hope that this will Help.

Bye Blonger


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Paul Suarez
6 hours ago, Blonger said:

Hello there,

greetings from Germany.
I found a Solutions that worked for me and my Friends(Diffrent Plattforms Win 7 to 10 and 8 so 8.1 Mac.....)
We just changed the Log fromn Info to Debug 1 on Server and on the Client(`s).
[Also trie to disable SSL Encryption]
We reload the Config on Both an it worked just fine.
By Drag and Drop as well ass strg-c / -v.
I were able to change the log output to back to info and it still works.
For me this is a strange error, because effectivly i did nothing by it seems that something in the backend happend.....

Hope that this will Help.

Bye Blonger


Thank you for sharing this @Blonger. Keep it coming! ;)

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On ‎6‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 3:36 PM, Blonger said:

Hello there,

greetings from Germany.
I found a Solutions that worked for me and my Friends(Diffrent Plattforms Win 7 to 10 and 8 so 8.1 Mac.....)
We just changed the Log fromn Info to Debug 1 on Server and on the Client(`s).
[Also trie to disable SSL Encryption]
We reload the Config on Both an it worked just fine.
By Drag and Drop as well ass strg-c / -v.
I were able to change the log output to back to info and it still works.
For me this is a strange error, because effectivly i did nothing by it seems that something in the backend happend.....

Hope that this will Help.

Bye Blonger


I tried what you have here and it didn't work at all for me. I'm using Synergy_v1.9.0_rc3 on both my desktop (server) and laptop (client). Both systems are running windows 10 Pro x64 and are both connected via network cable. So far nothing I tried will work for me to be able to either copy/paste or drag and drop any file from 1 pc to the other. I even went as far as changing the setting from all 3 different debug modes and restarting both pc's and still nothing. I don't understand it. As for the SSL Encryption thing, its greyed out on both my systems so I don't even have the option to change that either. I see on the server side when you click on configure and go to advance tab the option checkbox to enable drag and drop files between systems and no matter if I leave it checked or unchecked still not working.

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