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Client lagging & jittery


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Had to re-install and now client is lagging and jittery to the point of being unusable...How to vet issue?

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Paul Suarez

Please provide more details about your machines (OS, 32/64 bit, Synergy version installed, connected to the network via Ethernet or Wi-Fi, specify which one is the server). Also, post a screenshot of both machine's Synergy interface and the Server Configuration interface on your server machine.

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wow - really?  Ok - both systems are Win10 (64bit).  Synergy version is Pro.  Connected via wireless.  Server is beefier system (500GB SSD - HP Envy Intel i7-6700 @3.4GHz 16GB RAM)  I'm not sure I want to post a screen shot of my systems information in what looks to be a general discussion that can be seen by anyone...is there another way to handle support?  BTW - Synergy has worked well for me in the past - and only had to reinstall when I upgraded from 128GB SSD to 500GB SSD.

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Here are some of the recent issues reported:

2017-06-19T13:18:12] INFO: OpenSSL 1.0.2 22 Jan 2015

[2017-06-19T13:18:21] INFO: switch from "DESKTOP-489H97G" to "k-us-486" at 2399,364

[2017-06-19T13:18:21] INFO: leaving screen

[2017-06-19T13:18:21] INFO: screen "DESKTOP-489H97G" updated clipboard 0

[2017-06-19T13:18:21] INFO: screen "DESKTOP-489H97G" updated clipboard 1

[2017-06-19T13:18:23] INFO: switch from "k-us-486" to "DESKTOP-489H97G" at 9,543

[2017-06-19T13:18:23] INFO: entering screen

[2017-06-19T13:18:27] ERROR: ssl error occurred (system call failure)

[2017-06-19T13:18:27] ERROR: eof violates ssl protocol

[2017-06-19T13:18:27] ERROR: failed to accept secure socket

[2017-06-19T13:18:27] INFO: client connection may not be secure

[2017-06-19T13:18:28] INFO: OpenSSL 1.0.2 22 Jan 2015

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Is there possibly a way to set up a conversation?  I'd answer, but I don't know what the differences are and that would help in making a decision???

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Paul Suarez

You'd want to use SSL encryption if you're on a network that is being used by other (like a work network used by your office mates). If you're on a personal/private network (used only by you), then I guess it's not really needed.

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Home network - but, its summer and the kids are active on it.  Do I now need a separate network or something?  Worked fine in the past even when they were home and everyone is online.  I've now switched the Server to work laptop just so I don't get hung not being on the system that I leverage during the day a lot - but, same lag exists (which was not the case prior).  BTW - rather than just an open ended question - is there a setting for SSL that you could give me direction on that I can try and see if it helps? Or any other suggested fixes at all?

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