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Mouseclicks and copy/paste intermittent nonfunctionality


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I waited a bit to post this as I just updated to the latest 1.9 release. But the issue still persists

I have win10x64 installed on both client and server (laptop and surface) connected through WiFi. Periodically my mouseclick functionality on client side or the shared clipboard feature will stop working. One or the other, I haven't observed if it happens at the same time. It happens once every 5 minutes or so and will return to normal after 1-3 minutes, or if I stop then restart the server. During the issue, I can still move my mouse and interact with hover objects on the screen as well as type normally. 

I've set the processes on high priority on both computers in task manager to no effect

I have not tested with SSL encryption disabled, nor am I willing to on account of my living situation - I live in a dorm with shared, though not publicly accessible WiFi

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Also is there any way to integrate mouse button functionality? My mouse has a button that lets me go back when in a browser but that functionality isn't there on the client side.

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Paul Suarez

Hi @SnowDrifter. You can add a line on your config file for the extra mouse buttons to be recognize. But you'd need to know how is it being recognized by Synergy first. You'd need to set both machine's logging level to debug1 first. Then try pressing/clicking that mouse button and check what is being generated on the logs.

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Hello there,

greetings from Germany.
I found a Solutions that worked for me and my Friends(Diffrent Plattforms Win 7 to 10 and 8 so 8.1 Mac.....)
We just changed the Log fromn Info to Debug 1 on Server and on the Client(`s).
[Also trie to disable SSL Encryption]
We reload the Config on Both an it worked just fine.
By Drag and Drop as well ass strg-c / -v.
I were able to change the log output to back to info and it still works.
For me this is a strange error, because effectivly i did nothing by it seems that something in the backend happend.....

Hope that this will Help.

Bye Blonger

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On 6/17/2017 at 9:02 AM, Paul Suarez said:

Hi @SnowDrifter. You can add a line on your config file for the extra mouse buttons to be recognize. But you'd need to know how is it being recognized by Synergy first. You'd need to set both machine's logging level to debug1 first. Then try pressing/clicking that mouse button and check what is being generated on the logs.

During the issue, mouse clicks register in the logs on the server but not on the client

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1 minute ago, SnowDrifter said:

During the issue, mouse clicks register in the logs on the server but not on the client

@SnowDrifter, yes this is what is supposed to happen, the mouse buttons will need to be added to the config on the client in order for them to be recognized. 

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42 minutes ago, Mark9719 said:

@SnowDrifter, yes this is what is supposed to happen, the mouse buttons will need to be added to the config on the client in order for them to be recognized. 

Then why can I only click intermittently?
Seems odd that a program designed for mouse sharing would need me to manually add right and left mouse buttons just to get functionality

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7 minutes ago, Mark9719 said:

@SnowDrifter Sorry I missed the bit about the clicking, i thought you were trying to add other buttons that are on your mouse? Or are you doing both?

Kind of a 2 for 1 thread
I'm having issues with clicking intermittendly

Then more in general I'd like to add other button functionality

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