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Client will not connect to server

jackson platsky

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jackson platsky
I have been a long time user with no issues. Today I replaced my wireless router. On this router I have 2 computers with fixed connections on which I use synergy. My server runs windows8, my client is running Windows 7 home premium. After replacing the router my client will not connect to the server. My configuration has not changed and I have triple checked to make sure my server IP is entered correctly on the client computer. I uninstalled my existing synergy and repurchased today version 1.6.3, to no avail. My server ip is xxx.xxx.1.8, while the client is xxx.xxx.1.2, and both are set to port 24800. In the log I see the note "connecting to 'xxx.xxx.1.8':xxx.xxx.1.8.24800 is that right or should one of those ip's be the client and the other the server?
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  • Synergy Team
Nick Bolton
Hey Jackson, This could be a Windows firewall issue. Could you please check that there is an exception for Synergy? Thanks, Nick
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  • 2 years later...

Mine wont connect either you guys need a tech sup[port phone number this forums is BS@! We pay a good amount of money for the software so we expect you guys to walk through it with us.

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