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Installation on Linux Ubuntu 64 bit (16.04. LTS)


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maybe I'm complete blind, but I didn't found a Linux Tutorial for installing Synergy. Running hm.sh via command line throws an error. ./hm.sh config -g 1 uses cmake but I've got another error. The CMake.log is attached.

I am a little bit disappointed, that there is no real tutorial for Linux. It take me some time to figure out how this have to work. Honestly I doubt that there are lots of people which can not install something from an exe file (but that's off topic). Maybe there is something and you can show me. For a product I pay I would assume a good documentation.





PS For the sake of not wasting time: Yes my computer is plugged in. I have Ethernet connection. Even mouse and keyboard are plugged in ;P


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I tried somehow like this. But I have to apologyze for complaining about no Doc while not finding. So: sorry.

I ran now:

QT_SELECT=4 ./hm.sh conf -g1 (except for QT select I did the same before)

Still I get this error:
-- Looking for XRRQueryExtension in Xrandr - found
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/sandro/Downloads/synergy-v1.8.8-stable-c30301e-Source/build/release
Going back to: /home/sandro/Downloads/synergy-v1.8.8-stable-c30301e-Source
Error: Could not get revision, git error: 128

I thought I still can try a build command:

I ran:

sudo ./hm.sh build

Got this error:

Going back to: /home/sandro/Downloads/synergy-v1.8.8-stable-c30301e-Source
Make GUI command: make -w
Entering dir: src/gui
make: Entering directory '/home/sandro/Downloads/synergy-v1.8.8-stable-c30301e-Source/src/gui'
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.
make: Leaving directory '/home/sandro/Downloads/synergy-v1.8.8-stable-c30301e-Source/src/gui'
Going back to: /home/sandro/Downloads/synergy-v1.8.8-stable-c30301e-Source
Error: make -w failed with error: 512

I don't know if this is related, but is Python required already for this step?




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I figured it out by myself how to run. The file I received from thew synergy (tar.gz) is not the same like this one I pulled with git. I thought it is valid to assume that they will be up to date both. 

Still another Problem appeared. Out of the box looks different... 

I wanted to run the software yesterday, but here I am today... 


The client and server can not connect to each other. The server connection is refused (Both are Ubuntu LTS machines).

I tried to configure interactively and hit Ok for generating a config file. I tried auto config, I tried no auto config, I tired fill the host name in the client. Otherwise even with auto config it says, that there is a host name missing. 

My Machine names have no dashes. Pure letters. One is connection via wireless the other ethernet. I can establish ssh connections on both sides. So I assume there are no connectivity problems on my computers natively.


And I even tried to change the ports. I enabled and disabled SSL on both machines.  Any ideas?


I really hope that synergy boost my productivity insanely. I invested still more time in it than I planned...

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I figured that one out again. For some reason I had no configuration file generated. I hat to do it by myself...

Is there a way where I can do this interactively? It didn't worked out so far... 

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Guest Andrew Nelless

@Sandro is there any particular reason you want to compile Synergy yourself? The recommended Synergy version right now is v1.9-rc3 available from the thread linked below. There is a native build for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS there

However, if you want to build Synergy yourself I recommend you checkout the v1.9 branch from GitHub as it is a lot easier to build with CMake directly. Compile instructions will be updated once v1.9 is moved in to master.


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Hi Andrew,

no there is no reason for me compiling synergy. Actually I assumed to have a precompiled package for Ubuntu LTS =)
But in my account page I got a tar with the source folder where I have to compile it. This didn't worked out. Then I got the information to pull via git.


So if everything will work out with the  deb you saved my day!

Thank you!

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Ok the installation process is still much easier. But I have to use my own written conf file. 

The interactive configuration do not show me my client PC. If I delete the existing conf the client will be refused. 


All in all eveything works, but I think it is more nice if i could use the interactive configuration. Do I miss some steps? In the Youtube tutorial it was much easier to connect both PC's (Windows and Mac), without doing some extra stuff...




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