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failed to connect to server

Rene Rafael

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Rene Rafael

Dude Nick, I'm glad you asked :-)

I paid $29 for pro several hours ago and keep getting "failed to connect to server" on my client. Server is a Macbook and client is a Mac Pro.

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Rene Rafael

Folks,  I don't have time to wait for a product to work that I bought several hours ago and have been debugging ever since.  If I can't get real-time support on just getting this thing up and running, I'm afraid I'm going to need a refund.


I truly hope it doesn't come to that but I'm losing a lot of time on a product I expected to work "out of the box".




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Paul Suarez

Hi @Rene Rafael. Sorry for the late reply. Can you post a screenshot of both machine's Synergy interface and the Server Configuration interface on your server machine?

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Rene Rafael

Had to reboot my server machine but will post screenshots from that one when it comes up.

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Paul Suarez

You need to set each screen beside each one for it to have an entry point for the mouse. You can set it on top, bottom or sides of it as long as it'll have a side where two screens meet.

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and its back.  Was working away and then poof "WARNING: failed to connect to" is back and Synergy stopped working


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