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Can't connect to server


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Hi, i just bought synergy but i can't get it to work between two computers sharing the same wifi network. On my second pc (client) i keep gettint told:


WARNING: failed to connect to server: Connection was refused


Tried both the ip address given in bold on the server pc and the one read in network info through ipconfig in cmd line.

Both pc are on same workgroup

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Paul Suarez

Hi @Atreb. Please provide more details about your machines (OS, 32/64 bit, Synergy version installed, connected to the network via Ethernet or Wi-Fi, specify which one is the server). Also, post a screenshot of both machine's Synergy interface and the Server Configuration interface on your server machine.

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I'll take the screenshot ASAP, as for the information i'm using Windows 10 64bit on both machines, and i'm connected to the same wifi network on both computer. Was trying right now to test it with my ubuntu 64bit laptop but couldn't get it to work anyway

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when i opened synergy on my laptop i got this update on desktop (was after i took the screenshot):


[2017-06-05T20:08:15] INFO: zeroconf client detected: Surface-3

Synergy desktop.png

Synergy surface.png

Schermata a 2017-06-05 20-15-28.png

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Update, program works when using my ubuntu laptop as server, tho won't work with windows as server

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Paul Suarez

It's weird that both Desktop-Luca and surface3 has the same IP address( Have you set up DHCP reservation on your router? or manually assigned IP address on those machines?

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3 minutes ago, Paul Suarez said:

It's weird that both Desktop-Luca and surface3 has the same IP address( Have you set up DHCP reservation on your router? or manually assigned IP address on those machines?

i fixxed the ip address part, synergy is telling me the wrong local ip while ipconfig gives me a different one DHCP reserved for desktop. Synergy works flawlessly with my Ubuntu as server tho won't with windows as server. My guess is that there is a system setting to change tho have no idea where to look


when trying to connect to my local ip address i get Timed out Error

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