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Doesn´t work when the server is blocked


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Hi, I found the following issue with the program. When I block the machine which acts as the Synergy server, I loss all the functionalities, can´t access any other machine (clients). Is this expected? Because if so, it is not so useful as all of us as customers expect from this kind of software.
Did you already know about the issue? Is there any way for fixing it?



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Paul Suarez

Can you try to elaborate on not having any access to any other machines (client) when the server machine is blocked/stopped? I mean, it is actually a known behavior for setups like that. For example, you have a modem where you get your Internet connection for your computers, smartphones, tablets, etc.. If your modem goes down or is unusable, basically you will lose Internet connection right?

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I don't agree with you. I said blocked, neither slept not hibernated. In fact, all the services continue working when it is blocked. It is just for avoiding intrussions.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Paul Suarez

Hi @Toribio. Sorry for the late reply on this thread. Can you try to elaborate on what do you mean by blocking the server? How do you block it? Are you blocking it on your client(s) through their firewall?

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I do it by pressing together windows key + L. Notice that this doesn't happen when I use the other two PCs. One of them as server. Could it be that the server is my corporate PC? Maybe some policy?


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Paul Suarez

Ohhh.... You mean locking the server? I thought what you really meant was blocking it. Anyways, you can try to elevate Synergy on your server for it to have an elevated access. Though, since that is a corporate PC, we can't guarantee for it to work.

  1. Click Edit
  2. Click Settings
  3. Set Elevate to Always
  4. Click OK
  5. Click Apply or Start
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