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Connecting Wacom Mobile Studio pro w/ desk top trouble?


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Hello, I am having trouble with using the same keyboard and mouse that I use w/ my Main Win10 machine (configured as the 'server' in Synergy Pro) with my Wacom Mobile Studio Pro (this is a full Win10 machine w/ touch and pen interface as well as standard keyboard and mouse interfaces). I've attached a .png file w/ screen images of the two machines running Synergy Pro.
Both logs show they are connected, but unless I'm missing something I don't see how I transition from one machine to the other. Unlike some of the help videos, my mouse doesn't seamlessly cross over. I don't see how to switch. With in the configure server menu I see both machines listed as well. Maybe I'm missing something obvious... either way please let me know what I can do.


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Paul Suarez

Can you post a screenshot of the Server Configuration interface on your server machine please?

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