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Host is down?


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Hi i have difficulty connecting my computers. Please help.


this is what it says on my server:

[2017-05-28T07:35:05] INFO: stopping synergy desktop process

[2017-05-28T07:35:05] INFO: process exited normally

[2017-05-28T07:35:05] INFO: starting server

[2017-05-28T07:35:05] INFO: config file: /var/folders/pf/nydyljqj1898c1xvkq97ckcr0000gn/T/Synergy.K52690

[2017-05-28T07:35:05] INFO: log level: INFO

[2017-05-28T07:35:05] INFO: drag and drop enabled

[2017-05-28T07:35:05] NOTE: started server, waiting for clients

2017-05-28 07:35:05.370 synergys[52827:107916599] starting cocoa loop


this is what it says on my client:
WARNING: failed to connect to server: cannot connect socket: Host is down

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