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Mouse curser back to server on Elevation Dialog


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Hi, new to Synergy, enjoying it so far.

One annoying problem I found is the following.

Having my Mac as Server and Windows 10 as client, any time I get the elevation dialog in W10, the one that asks YES/NO for permissions, that takes the whole screen, the mouse comes back to the server screen, loosing focus on the client and I have to move it again back to the client.

Synergy v1.9, macOS Sierra, Windows 10

Is there any way to avoid this?



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Found this in the info log when this happens.


INFO: jump from "WINDOWS10" to "MAC" at 720,450

WINDOWS10 is the Client machine. MAC is the server.

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Paul Suarez

Hi @_eka_. This is normal, at least for now. That is because the prompt is coming from your machines UAC. It is something about the machine's security protocol. Our developers are trying to find a way on how to make it work on that part. However, we can't provide a timeline yet when it'll be available or fixed. Please bear with us as we try to make Synergy even better for everyone.:)

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