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Having issues connecting computers


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Paul Suarez

Please post a screenshot of your Server Configuration interface. Also, make sure that both machines has the same SSL settings. If the other machine has SSL on, the other machine should have it switched on too.

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:) here are the picture. How do I look at SSL settings tried to do a quick google search but didn't help much.

server config 2.PNG

serverconfig 1.PNG

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On 5/26/2017 at 2:27 PM, Paul Suarez said:

You can refer to this SSL generic failure knowledge base article.

i tried that but the ssl option is grayed out.  on another note i tried to comment on that post and it wont take my password.

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Paul Suarez

You might be doing it on your client machine. Please do it on your server machine since it is the one with SSL fingerprint.

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