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SSL certificate doesn't exist


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Supplement to original post: I have a Mac mini and a Windows 10.  My first post had the Windows 10 machine as the server.  I switched to make the mac the server and the Windows 10 the client.  I did not auto config the client but used the Server IP.  Now I am getting "failed to verify server certificate fingerprint"

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Paul Suarez
1 hour ago, Sher said:
Just trying to upgrade my Pro subscription on Windows 10. Keep getting message that SSL certificate doesn't exist

Have you successfully activated both machine's Synergy to Pro version?

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I purchased in July of 2015 and have been using successfully over that time.  Recently I changed keyboards and switched the Windows 10 machine to be the server with the Mac mini as the client.  It worked fine.  But then I decided to upgrade the software which has repeated failed in the past but I want to see if side button support on the mouse is available.  Should I uninstall and reinstall?  Is the SSL the problem?  I think my working version predates that feature. 


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I uninstalled the Windows 10 machine and reinstalled.  Still the same "ERROR: failed to verify server certificate fingerprint"

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  • 3 months later...
  • 8 months later...

I've experienced the same issue on Mac. Just opened the preferences window and turned off SSL and then switched it back on. This solved it for me.

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I had to switch to 1.x and I am getting the error now after using Synergy without problems for a few weeks. Not sure how to solve it 

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Christopher Mann

Hello.  I'm getting a missing SSL certificate error too, like mac_user in the previous post.  My backstory is that I had been a 1.x user, then switched to 2.x, then downgraded back to 1.x again when 2.x was rebranded a beta build.

Now I get the following error on the 'server':

INFO: OpenSSL 1.0.2n  7 Dec 2017

ERROR: ssl certificate doesn't exist: /Users/foo/Library/Synergy/SSL/Synergy.pem

And indeed, this cert does not exist.  Do I need to manually regenerate a self-signed cert or something?  Is there any way to force a regen?  All my systems here are running OSX, for what it's worth.

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This is mac_user checking back in ...

I switched from 2.x to 1.x after Symless released a 'beta' build that gave me a few more instability problems that my original 2.x build. After about a week struggling with the 1.x version, I re-installed 2.0.12. However I am still experiencing intermittent 'crashes'.  

However what is also frustrating is that the current version of Synergy that I am using is not available from the system tray menu - also it does not show my Pro license either, so I don't know if something is wrong (as a result of installing various different major versions), or if the new 2.x version just behaves differently.

Perhaps including some 'debug' features with beta builds will help the user community provide information to make synergy better... I would love to provide log files after every crash.  

Also I wonder about the need for 3 separate processes. I see three processes in Activity Monitor (but non seem to have version information associated with them):




I think the old version ran as a single process? I could be wrong.

Anyhow, it seems my problem is that the 'tray' cannot re-connect to the 'service' at various times. Sometime I lose connectivity (this morning) when update installers like GPG suite run.

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Christopher Mann

Yeah, I had many of the same issues and observations:

- It does seem like Synergy 2.x didn't want to have a tray icon, which I found indispensable feature of 1.x for diagnosing issues.  I don't know where it went.

- I've tried to figure out the 3 processes too.  I think the main synergy-service is the one to kill/restart if you're having problems, usually.

- Based on their recommendations I'm not going to work with the 2.x branch anymore until it goes out of beta and back to release version, but that puts me back to figuring out my missing SSL/TLS certificate issue. :(

Hope we can figure this out soon.  Synergy was a big part of my day-to-day workflow and my inability to use it for weeks now has really impacted my productivity at work.

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You might try completely uninstalling, then reinstalling. It seems to be necessary on some transitions between v1 and 2.


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  • Synergy Team
Nick Bolton
On 6/5/2018 at 8:55 PM, Christopher Mann said:

ERROR: ssl certificate doesn't exist: /Users/foo/Library/Synergy/SSL/Synergy.pem


Could you try disabling then re-enabling SSL? You can do this from the settings screen.

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  • 1 month later...

Just wanted to chime in and say the same happened to me... disable/enable on the server (host) and then was able to re-establish connection (Pro version running on 2 Macs.)

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  • 9 months later...

Just wanted to write and say that turning off SSL/TLS on the server fixed the problem for me.  

I had just switched one of my clients to the server and I was receiving this same error.  

ERROR: secure socket error: tls certificate doesn't exist: /Users/admin/Library/Synergy/SSL/Synergy.pem

I noticed as well that there was no SSL fingerprint listed as well so...  turning it off and back on makes sense to generate the SSL fingerprint.  


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  • 3 months later...

I am having the same isssue with version 1.10.3, I believe the problem might be related with having special characters on the name of the user folder.

Hope it helps.


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  • 3 months later...

Well, this is a old one, but I'm with the same issue in my PC on a fresh new install of Windows 10 Pro and synergy_v1.11.0-stable_b162-b2173efb_windows_x64.msi.

Tried uninstall/reinstall, deleted Synergy folders, deleted Synergy registry entries, disabled/enabled SSL... nothing works. 

Tried also in a Guest VM running Windows 10 Pro, without any success. After cracking my head a lot I used package synergy_1.10.3-stable_b126-ca35737a_windows-x64.msi in my notebook running Windows 10 Pro (it was already installed, but didn't update to 1.11), copied the Synergy.pem file from the notebook to the PC folder, and it worked!

The message that was showing up was:

[2019-12-23T14:45:50] INFO: service command updated
[2019-12-23T14:45:50] INFO: starting new process
[2019-12-23T14:45:50] INFO: activeDesktop:Winlogon
[2019-12-23T14:45:51] INFO: starting new process
[2019-12-23T14:45:52] INFO: drag and drop enabled
[2019-12-23T14:45:52] ERROR: failed to get desktop path, no drop target available, error=2
[2019-12-23T14:45:52] NOTE: started server, waiting for clients
[2019-12-23T14:45:52] INFO: service status: active
[2019-12-23T14:47:06] INFO: service status: active
[2019-12-23T14:47:27] INFO: starting server
[2019-12-23T14:47:27] INFO: config file: C:/Users/adami/AppData/Local/Temp/Synergy.jvStOO
[2019-12-23T14:47:27] INFO: log level: INFO
[2019-12-23T14:47:27] INFO: service command updated
[2019-12-23T14:47:27] INFO: service command updated
[2019-12-23T14:47:28] INFO: got ipc shutdown message
[2019-12-23T14:47:28] NOTE: stopped server
[2019-12-23T14:47:29] INFO: starting new process
[2019-12-23T14:47:29] INFO: activeDesktop:Default
[2019-12-23T14:47:29] INFO: starting new process
[2019-12-23T14:47:29] INFO: drag and drop enabled
[2019-12-23T14:47:29] ERROR: failed to get desktop path, no drop target available, error=2
[2019-12-23T14:47:29] NOTE: started server, waiting for clients
[2019-12-23T14:47:29] INFO: service status: active
[2019-12-23T14:47:36] ERROR: secure socket error: tls certificate doesn't exist: C:\Users\adami\AppData\Local\Synergy/SSL/Synergy.pem
[2019-12-23T14:47:37] ERROR: secure socket error: tls certificate doesn't exist: C:\Users\adami\AppData\Local\Synergy/SSL/Synergy.pem
[2019-12-23T14:47:38] ERROR: secure socket error: tls certificate doesn't exist: C:\Users\adami\AppData\Local\Synergy/SSL/Synergy.pem
[2019-12-23T14:47:39] ERROR: secure socket error: tls certificate doesn't exist: C:\Users\adami\AppData\Local\Synergy/SSL/Synergy.pem
[2019-12-23T14:47:40] ERROR: secure socket error: tls certificate doesn't exist: C:\Users\adami\AppData\Local\Synergy/SSL/Synergy.pem
[2019-12-23T14:47:42] ERROR: secure socket error: tls certificate doesn't exist: C:\Users\adami\AppData\Local\Synergy/SSL/Synergy.pem
[2019-12-23T14:47:43] ERROR: secure socket error: tls certificate doesn't exist: C:\Users\adami\AppData\Local\Synergy/SSL/Synergy.pem
[2019-12-23T14:47:44] ERROR: secure socket error: tls certificate doesn't exist: C:\Users\adami\AppData\Local\Synergy/SSL/Synergy.pem
[2019-12-23T14:47:45] ERROR: secure socket error: tls certificate doesn't exist: C:\Users\adami\AppData\Local\Synergy/SSL/Synergy.pem
[2019-12-23T14:47:46] INFO: service command updated


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Haha, @Adami I found this old thread as well and thought I'd be reviving it.  You beat me to the punch.

I ran into the 'tls certificate doesn't exist' issue as well.  The problem for me was when I installed synergy I was connected to a corporate file share that changed my home folder and the SSL key was installed in there.  I had since disconnected from the corporate share so my home folder changed, but Synergy was refusing to re-generate the SSL key/cert pair (PEM file).

To fix my problem I did this (I'm using GitBash):

cd '/c/Users/stacie/Local Settings/Synergy/SSL'
openssl req -nodes -new -x509 -keyout synergy.key -out synergy.cert -days 3650 -sha256 -subj "/C=US/ST=Idaho/L=Gooding/O=Ballard Dairy/OU=IT/CN=tehputer"
cat synergy.key synergy.cert > synergy.pem
rm -f synergy.key synergy.cert

Synergy immediately picked up the new key pair, I accepted the signature on the client, and all was well with the world.

Edited by planetehack
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Same issue here, fresh install of Windows 10 Pro + Synergy 1.11.0-stable-b2173efb -- would not generate a .pem server-side (client-side untouched).

As it was mentioned above, my user folder does not have any special characters, it's just five alphanumerical characters (same as last install), so that does not seem to be it.

Solved by fetching the .pem from my previous install and putting it into C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Synergy\SSL -- Synergy server picked it up seamlessly while still running, and client could finally connect.

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BagronkeN - I did the same and came here to post it, but you had already discovered the solution as well.  :-)   I have a ticket open with support, but wasn't getting anywhere. I am surprised they didn't suggest this simple fix. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there, I'm seeing the issue with an absent SSL cert too. I'm running the 1.11.0 server on Windows 10. I upgraded from Basic to Pro. I tried disabling and re-enabling SSL to no avail. I also tried uninstalling and re-installing Synergy - again to no avail.

Is there any way to force Synergy to generate a cert?

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