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Client auto-registration via server

Eric Klein

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Eric Klein
I have a bunch of test machines that I routinely have to wipe and start over from scratch. I tend to go through a lot of OSs and partitions, etc. I have a script that automatically sets my test machines up for me for the most part, including copying Synergy over to the test machines and setting it up somewhat. It would be nice however if the client machines could somehow piggyback off the server in terms of registration. I'd be happy to use the SSL feature, but my Synergy password is some 16 character auto-generated monstrosity that I don't want to have to manually type into my target machines anytime I spawn a new one. So I always just "Skip registration" on my target machines, and disable SSL. If the clients could just base their registration status based on the server, that would be really awesome. Thanks!
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  • 6 months later...
I second this idea. It's bad enough that I constantly have to re-register because Synergy forgets my registration, but I have to do it on ALL my machines, not just the server. Keith
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