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Mouse and keyboard are delayed in the client computer.


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When I move my mouse around, it's always behind where it should be. When I'm typing, there's significant delay, at times, between when the key is pressed and when it shows up on the screen.

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Paul Suarez

Do you have SSL turned on? How are the machines connect to the network? wired or wireless?

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I tried with SSL turned off on both machines. The machines are wireless as that's the only option. 

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Paul Suarez

Please provide more details about your machines (OS version, 32/64 bit, Synergy version installed, CPU and RAM specs).

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Server: Win 10, 64-bit, Intel i7-4770K, 16 GB. Synergy 1.8.8

Client: Win 10, 64-bit, Intel i7-7500U, 16 GB. Synergy 1.8.8 

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