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Regular connectivity loss


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I have been using Synergy for a while now. I've always had one win10 PC (host) and one win7 PC (client) and it has worked with no problems. Recently the client was upgraded to win10 and since I have done that i have a had a lot of connectivity problems. When i move mouse to the client it disappears and freezes every few seconds then quickly reconnects and is fine. It does this every 20 to 30 seconds I would say.

Any ideas?


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Paul Suarez

Can you try uninstalling it from your client machine first and re-install it after rebooting?

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Paul Suarez
On 5/25/2017 at 3:36 AM, Kcarb said:

Re-installing on the client seems to have done the trick. Thank you!

That's great to hear! You're welcome @Kcarb;) Thanks for the update too.

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Ok I may have jumped the gun! It seemed to solve the issue for a day or two but I am having the same problem today. As soonb as I move my mouse over to the client machine here it locks up and freezes pretty quickly, here is what the log shows each time (not sure if this helps):

[2017-05-25T14:38:13] INFO: leaving screen

[2017-05-25T14:38:22] NOTE: client "xxxxxxxxxx" is dead

[2017-05-25T14:38:22] INFO: jump from "xxxxxxxxxx" to "host" 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Paul, i do have a firewall (it is a work computer so I can't remove it). That said I've had this same AV/Firewall back with windows 7. What i have noticed is that the problem seems to be happening only while I run Webex on the client machine. If I am not on webex everything is fine.

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Paul Suarez
On 6/7/2017 at 5:14 AM, Kcarb said:

Hey Paul, i do have a firewall (it is a work computer so I can't remove it). That said I've had this same AV/Firewall back with windows 7. What i have noticed is that the problem seems to be happening only while I run Webex on the client machine. If I am not on webex everything is fine.

Going back to this post. You said this only happens when Webex is running, right? If so, what WebEx meeting features are you usually using?

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Correct, that appears to be the only time it happens. Additionally it is only when i use Webex on the client (which is my work computer so I usually have to use it there). Typically Webex is just used for the conference line however the share screen functionality is also used at times and this is when it seems to be even worse.

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Paul Suarez

Well, I guess using it with WebEx share screen feature might be explainable. Are you normally presenting/sharing your screen?or you are the viewer of someone presents/shares? Is it happening on both scenarios?

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It happens on both scenarios. I did some testing yesterday afternoon and it does seem to happen even when there is no sharing at all. So it appears to be the Webex application in general. Really odd

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just chiming in with a me too on this issue.  Specifically when I have a webex session running on the synergy server (Cisco Webex meeting center on win10) and move the mouse off to either of my client screens (Redhat Linux and OS-X), the webex session will randomly freeze for 10s or so,  and the Synergy client connections reset.   The problem is intermittent, but ONLY occurs when the mouse is moved off of the synergy server host  to one of the clients.


Details on the ports used by webex are here:


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Chiming in as well. The repeated disconnects ONLY happen when the WebEx application is running. Worse when screen-sharing (either myself or someone else) is occurring. It happens on both the client and the sever, whichever is running WebEx. FYI: It's actually more than just Synergy locking up. I ran the Windows stopwatch app and noticed the timer stops completely for the duration of the freeze (typically 5-15 seconds), and then jumps forward to the appropriate time. It appears as though the entire computer is hung up for those moments, but then resumes as if nothing happened. I have been unable to find any reported errors in the Windows Event Logs, router logs, or Synergy debug logs (but I'm not 100% sure I know what I'm looking for in there).

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netstat -a -b -o output from the webex process on the server indicates the following ports in use:

Webex pid:

netstat -a -b -o | findstr 11168

  TCP        OLDBEAN:50839          ESTABLISHED     11168
  TCP        OLDBEAN:50838          ESTABLISHED     11168
  TCP        OLDBEAN:50841          ESTABLISHED     11168
  TCP        OLDBEAN:50840          ESTABLISHED     11168
  TCP        OLDBEAN:50843          ESTABLISHED     11168
  TCP        OLDBEAN:50842          ESTABLISHED     11168
  TCP        OLDBEAN:50845          ESTABLISHED     11168
  TCP        OLDBEAN:50844          ESTABLISHED     11168
  UDP          *:*                                    11168
  UDP          *:*                                    11168

Synergys.exe pid:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>netstat -a -b -o | findstr 6956
  TCP          OLDBEAN:0              LISTENING       6956
  TCP        OLDBEAN:24801          ESTABLISHED     6956
  TCP      psynapse:47692         ESTABLISHED     6956
  TCP      LGLFB66M12:53976       ESTABLISHED     6956

Doesn't look like we have have any port collisions.

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I thought the daemon was just responsible for start/stop of the server pid, but nonetheless, here's the netstat info for synergyd.exe:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>netstat -a -b -o | findstr 3540
  TCP        OLDBEAN:0              LISTENING       3540
  TCP        OLDBEAN:49686          ESTABLISHED     3540

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  • 3 weeks later...

Still seeing this problem when running the webex client and moving the mouse offscreen.   Any further diagnostic information I can collect to help track this down?

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Paul Suarez

Are you still running your machines with Synergy v1.8.8? If so,can you try uninstalling that and use v1.9.0rc3 instead? You can get it from the forums thread tagged below.


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