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Win7 Administrative privilages needed

damian c

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on win7, how do I elevate privilages? I thought my login was set to admin.
"Service 'synergy' could not be installed. Verify that you have sufficient
privilages to install system services" Cancel, Retry, Ignore
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Right click offers many options, but none that seem to indicate admin. The Install option creates the same results.

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Paul Suarez

Please post a screenshot showing your user account is set as an administrator.

To see whether you have administrative privileges on your computer:

  1. Go to the Start menu (in the lower left corner of your Windows desktop).
  2. Click Settings > Control Panel or Control Panel, depending on which version of Windows you have.
  3. Open User Accounts.
  4. Click the Users tab.

If Administrators is displayed in the Group column or for your user name, you have administrative privileges.

Steps are from this link.

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As  I thought, I am already an Administrator, so the option to run as administrator is not there since I already am. 


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Paul Suarez

Do you still currently have the old version installed? If yes, please uninstall it first and try installing the newer version.

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