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Debian 8.8 : product key asked on each startup


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I am using synergy on a 2 PC (win8/debian 8.8) setup and each time I restart my linux station, I get the initial configuration wizard and all my settings are gone (including my product key).

Currently, I have synergy 1.8.7-stable-9799e96 installed and have been subject to this behaviour since 1.7.x

Synergy have been installed using gdebi + .deb downloaded on website.
I startup synergy by using Alt + F2 and entering "synergy"

Please feel free to ask any question you'd need to understand the issue.

Best regards !

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I had the same problem. Seems my system is really forcing the shutdown (Ubuntu 16.10 with Kernel 4.9) in a way that Synergy is not able to store its prefs. As a workaround I quit Synergy before shutting down the system and everything is fine on the next boot. Will test 1.9.0 now...

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Paul Suarez
1 hour ago, appendx said:

I had the same problem. Seems my system is really forcing the shutdown (Ubuntu 16.10 with Kernel 4.9) in a way that Synergy is not able to store its prefs. As a workaround I quit Synergy before shutting down the system and everything is fine on the next boot. Will test 1.9.0 now...

Thanks for bringing that up @appendx. Let us know how it goes.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Paul,

I tried 1.9.0rc3 in the combination of Ubuntu 16.10 (Kernel 4.9) and macOS Sierra 10.12.5 and could not get it running properly. Synergy would connect the two machines, but as soon as the cursor leaves the server-screen and enters the client screen the cursor gets stuck. Depending on the speed with which I enter the client screen the cursorĀ gets stuck within the first 10 pixels (slow movement) to about 100 pixels (fast movement) from the edge. When moving back into the server screen, the cursor behaves normally again within the server screen.

I tried all sorts of combinations of options (autoconfig, clipboard sharing, Wifi vs LAN etc), but the behaviour remained unchanged. I also switched server/client roles with the same result. The behaviour is very similar to this report...

...alas, my configuration is all different, though.

Went back to 1.8.8 stable and everything is fine again.

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