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Can't connect using version 1.8.8


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version 1.8.8-stable-25a8cb2

Client will not connect

Server log:

2017-05-16T08:28:04] INFO: OpenSSL 1.0.2 22 Jan 2015
[2017-05-16T08:28:19] ERROR: ssl error occurred (system call failure)
[2017-05-16T08:28:19] ERROR: eof violates ssl protocol
[2017-05-16T08:28:19] ERROR: failed to accept secure socket
[2017-05-16T08:28:19] INFO: client connection may not be secure

Client log:

[2017-05-16T08:29:57] WARNING: failed to connect to server: Timed out

Server is Windows 10, client is Windows 7, PCs can ping each other. Client shows it is attempting connection to the correct server IP


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Paul, thanks, my client had SSL unchecked. Question, though, the Use SSL encryption option on the client is greyed out. Why would that be?

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Paul Suarez

SSL encryption feature requires a Pro version of Synergy. This is the most probable reason why your client machine doesn't provide SSL encryption support.

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