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Client doen't conect to server


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Can anyone help me:

my client does not connect to the server
i did put on my computer server in "configure interactively" new computer with the name of my client computer and then in client pc i put the server IP bold and doesnt work
say that conection was refused"


Manny tks.

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Paul Suarez

Can you post a screenshot of both machine's Synergy interface? Also, include the errors it generates with the previous step you did.

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Yes, i just did it. Continue saying 

The requested address is a broadcast address, but the appropriate flag was not set

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Paul Suarez

Can you try restarting Synergy on both machines? You can just close them and reopen and try to reconnect. If it still does the same thing, please send us a screenshot of the Server Configuration box on your server.

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