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Ubuntu 16.04 > Windows 10 "unrecognised client name"


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Hello all!

I'd love to have advice on a recurring error I have between a Ubuntu 16.04 (Synergy 1.8.8) and a Windows 10 (Synergy 1.8.6) system.

They are networked correctly (by my estimation: I can access the shared folders from either machine and Synergy detects the other machine on either one), but I'm faced with the following error on the server (Ubuntu machine):

NOTE: accepted client connection
WARNING: unrecognised client name "DESKTOP", check server config
NOTE: disconnecting client "DESKTOP"
NOTE: client "DESKTOP" has disconnected

And with the corresponding one on the client (Windows machine, 'DESKTOP')

ERROR: server refused client with name "DESKTOP"
WARNING: failed to connect to server: server refused client with our name
NOTE: connecting to '':


Those two errors are then going into a loop, until I interrupt either of the Synergy processes.

I believe the issue is Ubuntu-related, since the exact same server machine, when booting on Windows, works perfectly as a Synergy server.


Thank you for any input!



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Paul Suarez

Hi @vianneychevlaier. May we ask to set both machines to Debug1 and send us a copy of the logs. Also, have you made sure that you have configured both client and server (Ubuntu and Windows) initially as shown on this knowledge base article? You should see the steps on how to add a screen and set a screen name for it that it'll match the screen name you have set for your client machine.

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Thank you for your quick answer. The content of your link was super helpful: I had not given the correct name to the additional screen.


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