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Are there clear steps to install on Ubuntu?

Kunal Veera

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Kunal Veera

Hello Guys,

I downloaded the tar package on my ubuntu, and went to the link "https://github.com/symless/synergy/wiki/Compiling" to get information on building it.

After I do ./hm.sh package rpm I see the error saying "Error: Generator not specified, use -g arg (use `hm genlist` for a list of generators)." I tried using ./hm.sh package rpm -g 1 and now it says it can't find the -g arg? Can someone please help on this?

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Kunal Veera

Now I actually see the different issue
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.
Going back to: /home/kveera/Desktop/synergy-v1.8.8-stable-c30301e-Source
Error: make failed: 512

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I got the Linux source to build with the following steps:

> ./hm.sh conf -g1
> make

Note that 

> ./hm.sh build

resulted in an error, but executing 'make' actually created the binaries.

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Paul Suarez

Hi Kunal Vera. For compiling errors, please open an issue on our GitHub page so that our developers can take a closer look on it.

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