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Drag and Drop Not Working


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I recently realized that there is a drag and drop file function in synergy after visiting your website. This functionality has never worked with my computers. I have tinkered with the settings to try to get this working, but have had no success. It has been very frustrating. Is there anyway you can aid me in enabling this feature?

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Yes, I have a home built pc as my server in Synergy that runs Windows 10, and is also a functional hackintosh, so I occasionally run Mac OS Sierra on it too. I have had no problems with mouse sharing on both OS's. My laptop that I use with synergy is a Windows 10 Dell Inspiron 15. The desktop has a core i7 3770, B75M-D3H motherboard, 8 gb of ram, and a GTX 960 4GB. The laptop also has a core i7, GTX 960M, and 16 gb of ram.

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Augusto Santa Cruz

Hi there,

I will need a bit of further information from you. Please attach the log file here, if possible when you are trying to drag and drop. 


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