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Drag and drop crash

Nitan Singh

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Nitan Singh
I had recently heard of the new drag and drop feature. I tried it and it didnt work I got several errors whether i try to drag from a windows to mac or mac to windows. Below are the errors. Also, for both I have the mac osx 10.10.3 as the server and windows 8.1 64 bit as the client. When dragging a windows file to mac INFO: entering screen INFO: leaving screen NOTE: disconnected from server NOTE: connecting to '192_168_0_215': 192_168_0_21E:24800 NOTE: server fingerprint: DE:AE:91:CF:E4:D3:0D:D0:61:A2:AD:DD:E1:E5:6F:16:89 INFO: connected to secure socket INFO: server ssl certificate info: /CN=Synergy NOTE: connected to server ERROR: secure socket error: SSL ERROR SYSCALL ERROR: an EOF violates the protocol NOTE: disconnected from server NOTE: stopped client ARNING: detected application not running, pid=6608 INFO: backing off, wait=2s, failures=1 INFO: starting new process activeDesktop:Default INFO: starting new process INFO: drag and drop enabled NOTE: started client When dragging mac to windows: INFO: entering screen INFO: switch from "NitanSinghsMBP.home" to "Mom" at 0,639 INFO: leaving screen WARNING: cursor may not be visible INFO: screen "Mom" grabbed clipboard 0 from "Mom" INFO: screen "Mom" grabbed clipboard 1 from "Mom" INFO: switch from "Mom" to "NitanSinghsMBP.home" at 1270,223 INFO: entering screen NOTE: client "Mom" has disconnected NOTE: accepted client connection INFO: accepted secure socket NOTE: new client disconnected NOTE: accepted client connection INFO: accepted secure socket NOTE: new client disconnected NOTE: accepted client connection INFO: accepted secure socket NOTE: new client disconnected NOTE: accepted client connection INFO: accepted secure socket NOTE: new client disconnected NOTE: stopping synergy desktop process NOTE: starting server NOTE: config file: /var/folders/qk/bzhbywhd6pb5gmsmv_0hwmhm0000gn/T/Synergy.wV1588 NOTE: log level: INFO
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  • Synergy Team
Nick Bolton
[quote="Nitan Singh"] ERROR: secure socket error: SSL ERROR SYSCALL ERROR: an EOF violates the protocol [/quote] Thanks for the logs! I think the above is the culprit. Here's the issue on GitHub, we're fixing it now: https://github.com/synergy/synergy/issues/4601 [b]Workaround:[/b] Disable SSL (in Settings).
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Nitan Singh
Ok so i the workaround. I disabled the SSA encryption. The problem has gotten better and users are saying that it has solved their issue, however, for me at least, some problems persist. By the way in these examples, mac is server and windows is client. So, dragging a file from mac to windows works fine. However, windows to mac does absolutely nothing. It doesn't crash, nor does it copy the document. Thanks for helping solve the problem.
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