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Hard Crash with 1.7.2

Jeff Buetow

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Jeff Buetow
I installed 1.7.2, registered, etc.. It crashes hard. When I first run it I initially get the "Not Responding" banner. Then everything freezes and nothing on the server machine works at all. I have to hard reboot in order to get the machine working. I have uninstalled, reinstalled several times. Same thing. I am running Win7Pro..everything was running fine with the earlier versions.
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John Kennedy
I have the exact same issue. Just installed it and now it locks up with the not responding banner (I am able to kill it via Task Manager). Win8.1 in my case.
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Yuris Mangolds
Same problem here, Win7pro x64. Computer doesn't completely freeze, but only responds every 30 seconds or so (making it really hard to kill synergys.exe from task manager, or click the "close the program" button on the "synergys.exe has stopped working" window)
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David Ralston-Bryce
[quote="John Kennedy"]I have the exact same issue. Just installed it and now it locks up with the not responding banner (I am able to kill it via Task Manager). Win8.1 in my case.[/quote] :o I have had the same issue Win 8.1 64 bit (not responding)
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Markus Wild
I have a similar issue, but related to Synergy running on 3 computers. My setup is the following: 1. Synergy Server running Windows 8.1 64 bit 2. Client 1, running Win 7 Prof 64 Bit 3. Client 2, running Ubuntu 14.04 32 bit I normally run only the Server and Client 1. This works fine with Synergy 1.7.2 As soon as I start Synergy on Client 2 (Ubuntu 32 Bit). The whole synergy setup collapses and the Server is frozen (nothing is working anymore). I then stop Synergy on Client 2 and the system recovers. So the problem has to do with running Synergy on the Ubuntu Laptop. On all 3 computers i have installed the latest Synergy version 1.7.2. All Synergy installs are activated and I re-run the install wizard after installing it.
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Jeff Buetow
I have the same OS on 3 machines - non of which are a laptop. I have installed 1.7.2 on all machines. I don't think it's a 64/32 bit issue.
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Jason Dely
In my server (linux) crash instance when I have vmware workstation running in the background on the server, when I leave and return to the server display. dmesg reports a segmentation fault when I leave client (osx) back to server: [434069.166166] synergys[31557]: segfault at 40 ip 00007fb7582932c5 sp 00007ffcf65ed190 error 4 in libXi.so.6.1.0[7fb75828c000+f000] according to the last log entries below at it doesn't even seem to start the switch back: DEBUG2: |= modifier: 4 DEBUG1: modifiers on update: 0x2000 DEBUG2: mapping state: 16 DEBUG2: |= modifier: 4 DEBUG1: modifiers on update: 0x2000 DEBUG2: mapping state: 16 DEBUG2: |= modifier: 4 DEBUG1: modifiers on update: 0x2000 DEBUG2: mapping state: 16 DEBUG2: |= modifier: 4 DEBUG1: modifiers on update: 0x2000 DEBUG2: mapping state: 16 DEBUG2: |= modifier: 4 DEBUG1: modifiers on update: 0x2000
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Same problem, literally installed 1.7.2 as old one came up as out of date. Ran once, now everytime i run the server on a windows 8.1 machine it goes (Not Responding). Tried uninstalling fully, reboot, re install, same issue. So now i cant use it at all. Oh and in case it was the clients i shut them both down and just tried the server. same issue!
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Jason Dely
[quote="Nitan Singh"]Founder Nick Bolton has posted a solution that is very likely to solve this problem. it is at viewtopic.php?f=18&t=238 ..... Spread this link to anyone facing crash problems.[/quote] Thanks for pointing that out ...but Maybe for some but my scenario is clearly different as I already have SSL disabled and in my case it clearly has to do with a quick transition from VMWare console running on server to a synergy client. My work around has been to exit the vm with ctrl-alt or to back to the host before moving the mouse to another PC. Obvious some kind of race condition with vmware workstation and synergy..
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