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Key Mapping from Mac Keyboard to clients on any OS

Steffen W Soerensen

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Steffen W Soerensen
Enjoying Synergy every day with more computers on my desk(s)! But I’ve always wondered how to correctly map my server's danish Mac Keyboard layout correctly for special key combos like: Alt-‘ for @, Alt-i for | (pipe symbol) etc. to my Synergy Clients. Never managed to find anything on this, are there any good doc to read up on this somewhere? /Steffen Currently using v.1.6.3 for server + clients
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  • 7 months later...
There is not really a correct way to do this. Synergy seems to apply the character translation both on the server and on the client. You can work around this by setting the server key layout to match with the physical keyboard. Usually US English. US International doesn't work usually.
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