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Mouse button quit working on clients

Detire Zacharias

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Detire Zacharias
1.7.6 Purchased. Sever and clients are all Windows 10 Keyboard and mouse 'pointer' seem to always work. Occasionally, the the mouse buttons quit working on the clients even though the keyboard and mouse pointer still works. I must stop and restart Synergy in order for the functionality to return.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Craig Young
I experience the same issue repeatedly and have to restart the host app to resolve (hitting "apply" sometimes does the trick). Host machine: Win 10 pro Client machine: OS X El Capitan Synergy v1.7.6 on both Multiple times each day when interacting with items on the host machine I lost the mouse-click ability on the client machine. Doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason but it happens A LOT.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Bryan Gibson1491393367
I am also experiencing this since upgrading to 1.8.2. If I move the mouse back to the server and click anywhere on the screen the mouse click on the client begins to work for a while before it stops again. Server: Windows 10 Client: Windows Server 2012 R2 Client: Windows 10
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  • 3 weeks later...
Detire Zacharias

Well... I opened this discussion almost 3 months ago.

A new update came out (1.8.2 "stable my eye"), I upgraded and still the issue remains

By the responses here, I am not the only one with this issue.


Frankly, I am a bit surprised and disappointed at the absence of Synergy support on this thread.


I guess it's time to chalk up my Synergy pro investment to a loss and find a new solution.


Has anyone tried Input Director http://www.inputdirector.com/? Or another solution?

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  • 1 month later...
Matthew Steeples
I am also experiencing this since upgrading to 1.8.2.


If I move the mouse back to the server and click anywhere on the screen the mouse click on the client begins to work for a while before it stops again.


Same problem and solution here. Client and Server are both Windows 10 Anniversary Update

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  • 2 weeks later...
Chad Hawkinson

I too am having this issue, which unfortunately still occurs with 1.8.4. Seems like it started somewhere around 1.7.4, but now occurs constantly under 1.8.4...seriously frustrating. I would roll back, but the newer releases have fixed other issues. Lately, it seems like every new release fixes one issue and introduces two more.


Server machine: Win 10 Enterprise

Client machine: macOS Sierra

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's still happening on 1.8.5-stable-a18eba7. Windows 10 server and Mac OSX Sierra client. The Windows 10 side seems to be the culprit and needs to be restarted. Happens pretty much every time I use Synergy.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Matthew W Blessing

I can also confirm this is a problem on 1.8.5-stable-a18eba7, mouse will move and illuminate the buttons it hovers above, but no mouse click gets registered. Please fix this as this is the reason I paid for a product instead of using a free solution. Clicking Apply on the server corrects the problem temporarily.


Server: Windows 10 Ent, build 14393

Client: Windows 10 Ent, build 14393

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chris gallant

I'm a long time user who's never had this problem until last week when I bought a fancy new mouse,

a Logitech G502 (it has 11 buttons ... sweet)


Anyway, if you're having this problem, post what type of mouse you're using; that extra data may give them a clue...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Matthew W Blessing

Using Logitech M510 Mouse, part of the K350 Keyboard set, running SetPoint 6.67.83, Driver version 5.90.41, also using Logitech Smooth Scrolling 6.65.62 Chrome extension.

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Windows 10 on both machines

Logitech Performance MX mouse


I've been fighting with this issue for awhile


Hoping that Version 1.8.6 fixes this... Restarting the synergy service on the server machine always seems to work. I have my suspicions this issue is triggered when one of my machines has slept or been to the lock screen prior to requiring the service to be restarted.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Has anyone found a permanent fix for this issue? It's really slowing me down - I might need to look at a different keyboard / mouse sharing solution as sometimes the problem doesn't go away with relaunching the configuration app. Very frustrating. Did I miss something? Is there a fix?

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  • 1 month later...
Well... I opened this discussion almost 3 months ago.

A new update came out (1.8.2 "stable my eye"), I upgraded and still the issue remains

By the responses here, I am not the only one with this issue.


Frankly, I am a bit surprised and disappointed at the absence of Synergy support on this thread.


I guess it's time to chalk up my Synergy pro investment to a loss and find a new solution.


Has anyone tried Input Director http://www.inputdirector.com/? Or another solution?


I used Input Director for a while, and it worked fine. I switched to Synergy Pro, since I had giid experience with that a while back. But now it is not usable. The moseclick works once in a while, and sometimes the keyboard also seems to have the wrong countrysetting. It is not stable! The killer app should be drag and drop filetransfer. But that does noe work either! So I have given up after a few weeks, and I am back to Inputdirector. Sad, but true, since Synergy is a better product (If it had worked!)

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I am also having this issue, currently on 1.8.7-stable, it's disappointing that such a major problem can't be fixed and its been identified since 2016.

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David Denton Raynor

Bump, Same issue as listed. Windows 10 on both. Logitech Setpoint software running, with G400s mouse. Only 8 buttons.... :)

Client machine is currently connected via wifi, if that helps.

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João Oliveira

Having the same issue since a couple weeks ago. Mouse pointer moves, keyboard works ok. Only mouse clicks do not work on clients. Using Logitech M525.


I'm on 1.8.7-stable-9799e96. Server is W8.1, clients are W7.

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Matthew Wollington

Me too, no mouse click but everything else works ok.


I get "Warning: Mouse cursor may not be visible".


This is on Sierra (10.12) and Win 10.


Interestingly, if I use the macbooks keyboard and mouse as the server it works ok, as soon as I swap back to windows as the server the click stops working.


This makes the product totally unusable!

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  • 1 month later...

I am also experiencing this issue and have been for quite some time (maybe a year? I'm a patient person, I guess). Decided to look it up and see if it was a common problem or if there was a solution, but I guess not. Forcing the client to reconnect by stopping/starting the service on either the client or server usually resolves the issue, until it happens again.

Server: Win 10
Client: Mac OS X El Capitan (I know that I've seen this issue with Yosemite and Sierra as well, but not sure when it started exactly)

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I've been having this problem with Synergy off and on for years. For me, it is a time-out situation. The mouse click events quit working when the mouse is idle on the client for a short time. I have to return the pointer to the server and then back to the client for the clicks to register again. In the past I have seen an update fix this issue, only to have a windows update come along and I see the issue return. I run several versions of Windows and it doesn't matter which is server and which is client or wireless/wired. This bug, and it is a bug, has been going on for years but this time is hasn't gone away with an update.

I'm a developer. I have Visual Studio and many other apps on the machines. I don't know if it is a software conflict or just a Windows update conflict.

I'm writing this on my client machine and I bet the mouse clicks aren't working again. Yep, they aren't working. Getting beyond frustrating.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/1/2017 at 10:30 AM, João Oliveira said:

Having the same issue since a couple weeks ago. Mouse pointer moves, keyboard works ok. Only mouse clicks do not work on clients. Using Logitech M525.


I'm on 1.8.7-stable-9799e96. Server is W8.1, clients are W7.

Have the same issue since I purchased Pro.  Every once in a while the mouse clicks stop working on the client.  The mouse still moves around and the focus is there too.  If I hover over links I get popups as usual.  Scroll wheel also works.  Just can't left click on anything.  The work around that works for me every time is to swing my mouse back to the host machine, then click on anything, then move the mouse back to the client and the clicking works again.  It's friggin annoying.  I hope it gets fixed...  

On 1.8.8-stable-25a8cb2.  Win10 both server and client.

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Synergy works great for me, except for this issue! It really stops the seamless workflow between machines. Please fix.

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