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Latin characters doesn't work

Paulino Michelazzo

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Paulino Michelazzo
Hi guys, I'm using Synergy to manage 2 different Apple machines (a Macbook and a MacMini) and I can't use latin characters with accents like ç, ã, é, ó etc. The keyboard works fine in the "server" machine (an iMac) but not in the others. I tried to change the keyboard layout and language in clients machines and nothing happens. Someone with a clue about it? My setup: Server: iMac with Yosemite, US keyboard Clients: MacMini with Yosemite, with two different keyboard layouts (US Extended and US International PC) and MacBook Pro with Yosemite, with two different keyboard layouts (US Extended and US International PC) Best!
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  • 8 months later...
Sometimes Synergy doesn't work very well with foreign language setups. If this disrupts your ability to use Synergy as expected, you might be able to contact them and request a refund.
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