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[Windows 7] Bug when Synergy server is accessed via RDP

Nicolas Vollmer

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Nicolas Vollmer
[b]Description of an example scenario[/b] Let us consider the following dummy configuration, where the server PC is connected physically to the keyboard and mouse. All computers have Windows 7 and Synergy 1.7.6 (or previous versions). [attachment=1]Synergy_Bug_01.jpg[/attachment] The user logs in remotely to the server PC via RDP. Afterwards the user comes back on the spot to work directly with the computers, not remotely. The user takes the keyboard and mouse to log in to the server PC. [b]In which cases does the exception occur?[/b] If the user now moves the mouse to the left edge of the server PC screen, the following exception happens: 1) The mouse stays frozen at the left edge of the server PC screen and cannot be moved anymore. 2) The keyboard can only control the PC named Client 4. This exception would also happen with Client 2 (upper edge of the server PC screen) and Client 5 (right edge of the server PC screen). [attachment=0]Synergy_Bug_02.jpg[/attachment] [b]How to solve this exception?[/b] To solve this exception, the user has to: 1) Connect remotely to the server PC 2) Stop Synergy 3) Log in to the server PC on the spot, not remotely, with the keyboard and mouse physically connected to it 4) Start Synergy again [b]Improvements[/b] Would it be possible to completely prevent this exception from happening?
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  • 5 months later...

this is still happening on the latest version.


Host & Guest both running Windows 10, and while the mouse wasn't on the left edge, otherwise happened exactly as described. Came back to host machine, sat down, and all keyboard traffic was being sent to the guest instead of remaining on the host. I could not log in at all.


I had to stop Synergy on the Guest machine before it returned keyboard/mouse control to the host.

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