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SSL Errors

Robert Beban

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Peter Eames
[quote="Kelvin DSouza"]Didnt work for me, - Tried running wizard - didn't work (get a message about fingerprint acceptance and then crashes) - Tried system restart - didn't work - Tried disabling encryption - didn't work Nothing seems o be working at this time, Clueless what the next steps are. I'm running Win7 on Server and client. [/quote] I had same issue. On each machine, I uninstalled, rebooted, installed 1.6.3, ran wizard and it works. (I'm not sure running the wizard was necessary.) When I installed 1.7.2 and enabled SSL, it seemed to work fine, until I undocked, wired IP to wireless. It never worked after that when I tried to redock, despite reboots on each machine. ( I use Synergy in docked config only.) [b]Update on 5/27/15.[/b] I saw other post noting success with 1.7.3, and I installed without issue. I did get pop-up stating: [size=85][i]"Error: Failed to download plugin 'ns' to: C:\Users\...\Local\Synergy\Plugins The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."[/i][/size] Despite the error message the processes seemed to be working as expected. I rebooted anyway and it's working like a champ.
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Dominic DeWolfe
I couldn't get it to work on Mint 17.1 tried rebuilding openssl still didn't work. I've just gone back to 1.6.3 for now. I'll wait and see if some sort of fix comes out.
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  • Synergy Team
Nick Bolton
Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you know personally that I'm sorry about the SSL bugs and we're working hard to fix them. We're aiming to have a release out in 2 weeks time. I will send out an email update when we've released it. You can follow our progress on GitHub: https://github.com/synergy/synergy/mile ... 7.3-stable Thanks, Nick
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[quote="Gianluca Carminati"]I had this feedback from the support: [b][u]"We have discovered that this tends to happen if there is a bunch of data in the clipboard. Try clearing it out (just copy a single letter or something) and see if it still happens."[/u][/b] Still I see the issues, and with 1.7.2 I cannot redo the wizard cause the ns plugin is hold from the Synergy service on Win7. Even manually stopping the service and redoing the wizard is not helping.. Please advise![/quote] This works for me. Have to stop server and client, copy small word, then start client and sever = all ok
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Nitan Singh
Founder Nick Bolton has posted a solution at this link: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=238 It may not be the problem you are facing but it is worth a try. Check it out and spread this link to anyone experiencing crash issues.
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Jorge Dardon
I am also experiencing problems with SSL. AFter first installing 1.7.2 SSL worked normally, but after a few start and stops, it just refused to reconnect. I tried looking at the clipboard with big data problem, but in my case the clipboards were only containing small amounts of text. I read somewhere (I couldn't find the reference again to include in this post) that increasing the logging level to debug solved the problem. I tried so in both server and client and immediately the connection worked again. Then I proceeded to stop both client and server and reset the logging level back to Error, restarted both and it continued working. I no longer have the logs with the error available, but when it stops working again, I will post the logs to see if it helps replicate the problem consistently. Of course, disabling SSL makes everything work, but that is only a temporary workaround because of the security issues it raises. BTW my configuration Server: Windows 8.1 Client: Windows 7
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