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Cisco AnyConnect

greg treantos

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greg treantos
We use Cisco AnyConnect for work VPN access. I got a new MacBook Air and started to install the company bits. Installed AnyConnect and tried to connect. AnyConnect uses a keychain cert which you have to request from an internal server and install. The first time you start AnyConnect you get a dialog box which you have to select Always Allow, Deny, Allow. For reference the Air is a Synergy Client with a Windows Server. All are at the latest code level. With Synergy running the Always Allow and Allow buttons would not work. Looking in Mac system.log I could see this error "Ignoring user action since the dialog has received events from an untrusted source" Once I turned off Synergy this all worked. When I did a google search I found this apple forum [url]https://discussions.apple.com/thread/7276820?tstart=0[/url]post which led me to look at Synergy. Not sure if you can fix this or not..
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