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Can't type any words depending on Server

Yoochan, Myung

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Yoochan, Myung
Dear everyone, I'm using Mac OS X El Caiptan (Server) and Ubuntu (Client). My problem is I cannot type any words on Ubuntu(Client) when I changed Keyboard layout of Mac(Server) to Korean. To type any words on Ubuntu(Client), I should change keyboard layout of Mac(Server) to English before I move. Is there any advices? Sincerely, Yoochan
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  • 2 years later...

Similar issue here. Windows client shows no output with Korean input from macOS server. Other keys than Korean characters as numbers, symbols, arrows, function keys work fine. This is frustrating as a user needs to go back to the server and change input language to something else, then return to Windows client to be able to get the full keyboard output.

  • Synergy 1 Basic v1.10.1-stable-8941241e
  • Server: macOS Mojave v10.14.3
  • Client: Win 10 Pro v10.0.17134
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Hello Guys, 

If using English, make sure both keyboard layouts are set to "US - English"

If using a foreign language, or if you simply require the characters of a particular layout, set the server to the intended language/layout and the client to "US - English".

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