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Failed to connect to server: Timed out

Todd Foster

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Todd Foster
Hi everybody, I've upgraded to the latest version of 1.7.6. and I'm getting the dreaded, "Failed to connect to server: Timed out." This was happening before the update as well. I'm running two Windows 7, 64 bit laptops and all was running fine before this. I've retried this many times, started/stopped the server/client, rebooted laptops, etc. Any ideas on this? Thanks
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  • 4 weeks later...
For the first week or so I was running Synergy on two systems (one Windows 7 and one Windows 10, both 64-bit) without a problem. In the last two days I've had this problem occur multiple times. Sometimes if I stop/start the client and/or server it starts working again. Sometimes I have to do that multiple times. And, sometimes, it just starts working again. Very frustrating. I've checked the firewalls on both systems and there doesn't seem to be an issue there.
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