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BUG: GUI misses some features

Jan Peterson

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Jan Peterson
I'd love to use the GUI setup mechanism. It's really nice and lets me easily position the screens around and stuff. Unfortunately, my laptop gets a different name depending on the network it's on. While I can easily specify the screen name with the command-line tools (i.e. "--name" option), there isn't a way to set it in the GUI dialog. Similar problem with setting up the client side using the GUI. It shows me what the screen name is (at least, what it is at the moment), but it would be nice if I could set it to something specific like I can do with the command line. Also, none of the other knobs available on the command line are available to the client setup in the GUI (--yscroll, --no-xinitthreads, etc.). I don't need them, myself, but shouldn't they be included in the GUI for those who do? Alternately, when setting up the server, I can specify a configuration file and "Use existing configuration"... why can't I do that on the client setup?
  • 8 months later...
You can set up screen names int he settings. For Windows, go to Edit > Settings > Screen Name. On Mac go to Synergy's Preferences >Screen Name. Also, clients don't use a configuration file at all.


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