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Problem with AutoHotkey and 1.7.6

Kevin Jones1491393335

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Kevin Jones1491393335
I just updated from 1.7.4 to 1.7.6 and now a simple AutoHotkey script I've been using for months has stopped working. If I stop Synergy it starts working again. The script runs on the (Windows 10) host. Was something changed with the keyboard hooks in the last couple of version that could be causing this? Below is a pared-down version of my script I made while trying to figure out what the problem was. When it's working correctly, every time you press the "G" key, it presses "2" and then holds the "A" key until you release the "G" key. It then releases "A" and presses "1". [code]exeToRun = notepad.exe pathToExe = c:\windows\system32\ pathAndExe = c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe Run, %pathAndExe%, %pathToExe%, UseErrorLevel If (ErrorLevel = ERROR) { ExitApp } SetTimer, CheckForNotepad, 5000 CheckForNotepad: Process, Exist, %exeToRun% If (ErrorLevel = 0) { ExitApp } return g:: Send, 2 Send {a down} KeyWait, g Send {a up} Send, 1 return[/code]
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Tarique Naseem
I've been experiencing the exact same problem on Windows 10. One thing I have noticed is that if you start the Synergy service after executing the script, it's fine. So, it's only a problem if Synergy is started beforehand.
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Andrew Sedlak
I've noticed a similar issue with other keyboard-related programs on Win 7. Specifically, I use Phrase Express for text snippet expansion and PureText for pasting text without formatting. Since upgrading to 1.7.6, I can't use either one while Synergy is running. As soon as I stop the server, it's fine - I don't even have to quit. UPDATE: Posted issue on GitHub https://github.com/symless/synergy/issues/5269
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