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Spacebar triggers an "S" key press on the client

Oleg Zaytsev

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Oleg Zaytsev
Hi again, this is what debug log on the server (Ubuntu) says: [code]... [2016-03-07T14:33:28] DEBUG2: mapping state: 16 [2016-03-07T14:33:28] DEBUG2: |= modifier: 4 [2016-03-07T14:33:28] DEBUG1: new mask: 0x2000 [2016-03-07T14:33:28] DEBUG1: event: KeyPress code=65, state=0x0010 [2016-03-07T14:33:28] DEBUG2: mapping state: 16 [2016-03-07T14:33:28] DEBUG2: |= modifier: 4 [2016-03-07T14:33:28] DEBUG1: onKeyDown id=32 mask=0x2000 button=0x0041 [2016-03-07T14:33:28] DEBUG1: send key down to "newbie" id=32, mask=0x2000, button=0x0041 [2016-03-07T14:33:28] DEBUG2: writef(DKDN%2i%2i%2i) [2016-03-07T14:33:28] DEBUG2: wrote 10 bytes [2016-03-07T14:33:28] DEBUG2: msg from "newbie": CNOP [2016-03-07T14:33:28] DEBUG2: no-op from [2016-03-07T14:33:28] DEBUG2: mapping state: 16 [2016-03-07T14:33:28] DEBUG2: |= modifier: 4 [2016-03-07T14:33:28] DEBUG1: new mask: 0x2000 [2016-03-07T14:33:28] DEBUG2: mapping state: 16 [2016-03-07T14:33:28] DEBUG2: |= modifier: 4 [2016-03-07T14:33:28] DEBUG1: event: KeyRelease code=65, state=0x0010 [2016-03-07T14:33:28] DEBUG1: onKeyUp id=32 mask=0x2000 button=0x0041 [2016-03-07T14:33:28] DEBUG1: send key up to "newbie" id=32, mask=0x2000, button=0x0041 [2016-03-07T14:33:28] DEBUG2: writef(DKUP%2i%2i%2i) [2016-03-07T14:33:28] DEBUG2: wrote 10 bytes [2016-03-07T14:33:28] DEBUG2: msg from "newbie": CNOP [2016-03-07T14:33:28] DEBUG2: no-op from [2016-03-07T14:33:29] DEBUG2: mapping state: 16 [2016-03-07T14:33:29] DEBUG2: |= modifier: 4 [2016-03-07T14:33:29] DEBUG1: new mask: 0x2000 ...[/code] And this is what it says on the client side (OSX): [code]... [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG2: msg from server: DKDN [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG2: readf(%2i%2i%2i) [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG2: readf: read 2 byte integer: 32 (0x20) [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG2: readf: read 2 byte integer: 8192 (0x2000) [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG2: readf: read 2 byte integer: 65 (0x41) [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG1: recv key down id=0x00000020, mask=0x2000, button=0x0041 [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG1: mapKey 0020 (32) with mask 2000, start state: 0000 [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG1: find best: 0000 2000 [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG1: best key index 0 of 11 (exact) [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG1: found key in group 0 [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG1: state: 0000,0000,0000 [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG1: flip: 0000 (0000 vs 0000 in 0000 - 0000) [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG1: desired state: 2000 0000,0000,0000 [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG1: flip: 0000 (0000 vs 2000 in ffff - 6020) [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG1: mapped to 002, new state 0000 [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG1: keystrokes: [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG1: button=0x0002 virtualKey=0x0001 keyDown=down client=0x0000 [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG2: writef(CNOP) [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG2: wrote 4 bytes [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG2: msg from server: DKUP [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG2: readf(%2i%2i%2i) [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG2: readf: read 2 byte integer: 32 (0x20) [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG2: readf: read 2 byte integer: 8192 (0x2000) [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG2: readf: read 2 byte integer: 65 (0x41) [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG1: recv key up id=0x00000020, mask=0x2000, button=0x0041 [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG1: keystrokes: [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG1: button=0x0002 virtualKey=0x0001 keyDown=up client=0x0000 [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG2: writef(CNOP) [2016-03-07T14:45:52] DEBUG2: wrote 4 bytes ...[/code] Can anybody see something wrong? Thanks again
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