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1.7.6 RC3 vs 1.8.0 Beta

Adam Plocher

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Hello, What's the difference between 1.7.6 RC3 and 1.8.0 Beta? I noticed that 1.8.0 Beta is listed on the downloads page (for the "beta" download) but under nightly builds 1.7.6 RC3 is listed. 1.8.0 Beta (Nov 30 2015) seems a bit older than 1.7.6 RC3 (Jan 4 2016). So which of the two is more bleeding edge with the latest and greatest goodies in it? And, which of the two is considered [i]more[/i] stable? I would typically think the RC would be more stable, but it's listed under the nightly unstable builds. Thanks
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  • 2 weeks later...
Does anyone know? 1.8.0 Beta is far older but is the one showcased on the Download page (for "Beta"). 1.7.6 RC3 is far newer (although the version # is oddly behind) and it's on the "nightly build" page, which is typically used for high risk builds. If it's RC and it's high risk then I think someone needs to reassess their versioning scheme. ... Actually, the fact that I'm having to ask these questions makes me think that's probably a good idea either way ...
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Hello, Now I might be wrong here. However it seems like you are looking at 2 different branches. 1.8.0 beta - is one branch that is _going_ to be 1.8.0 when it is ready and done. 1.7.6 RC3 - is another which most likely is going to be the next release. (small fixes and more) So major branch 1.8.0 is still in beta in that sense. I hope I am right here. Hope this helps.
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Thanks for your response. I was checking GitHub and didn't see anything, but you just made me realize I never checked their branches. Sure enough, they do have a 1.7.6 branch, I'll take a look at the history there since they didn't seem to provide a changelog. I just find it odd that the RC is listed under the nightlies with the other bleeding edge / unstable builds. 1.8.0 Beta does have a changelog and all it mentions is DRM related stuff, which I can't imagine any user wants to test. Thanks
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You are absolutely right. However they this might be as simple as a design issue on the website. Keep track of both branches. To make sure there is still action in the synergy project you can always check the issues on github. I have also asked for updates but there is very little GIT action right now. AFAIK there is a lot going on with moving office etc. So might need to have some patience for the updates to come in again when they are ready to do some announcements. 1.7.6 or 1.8.0 I have not tested so can't tell you which is more stable really. Sorry. 1.8.0 I do hope will have some more fancy and bugfixes though. :)
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