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failed to connect to server

Bryce Grudzien

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Bryce Grudzien
Heyo, Im getting a failed to connect to server on my client Linux Mint 17 and on my server win10 getting a watchdog status:failed ps:i can ping the server from the client machine
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  • 4 weeks later...
I'm having the exact same issue. Would love to get the answer to connecting client - Linux Mint to server - Windows 10.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Alistair S. Fairweather
I have had the the same problem. Windows 10 as the server and Linux Mint 17 as the client. Can ping both ways so network is OK. The only way I can get it to work (and this was after a lot of messing around when I first 'donated' for Synergy 1.74 (I think) was to install 1.74 on the Linux machine and 1.80 (Beta) on the Windows 10 machine. This works - well almost! The cut and past from one machine to the other does not and getting a '@' from the keyboard on the Linux machine was a challenge. Note I have tried 1.74/1.74, 1.75/1.75 and the [u][b]latest 1.76/1.76[/b][/u] on the Windows/Linux machine and none worked. Only by having 1.80(Beta) on the Windows machine works for me. I am open to any suggestions from the forum/Nick to get this working with 'matched', that is 1.76/1.76 installations on the Windows and Linux machine.
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