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Foil cursor reset to home screen

Peter Mathews

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Peter Mathews
I am installing sw on a replacement pc from an older pc – which means moving the cursor back and forth a lot – Just what Synergy does!! The old pc (which is still my ‘production pc’) has three screens, and the new one a fourth. Problem. Every time UAC comes up during each sw install on the new system – and on other occasions - my cursor gets whipped away from the new pc screen onto the home screen of the old pc – four screens away - and has to be brought back manually. Any way of killing this behaviour?
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  • 4 weeks later...
UAC popups are tricky to handle. Synergy just introduced a feature a couple versions back which attempts to handle them a little more gracefully, though it's still not perfect. Previously, if a UAC popup appeared on a Synergy client, you would have to reach over to that client's mouse to click Yes. The only way around this was to enable Elevate mode, which caused Synergy to run as admin all the time. This had drawbacks, so most people didn't want to run that way. The recently introduced feature was an attempt to detect when one of these prompts appeared, and then switch to Elevate mode. The challenge now is, there is no way to gain or lose admin privileges while a process is running - it has to restart with the new privilege set. Restarting, of course, involves disconnecting from the server, and re-connecting once the restart is complete. Disconnecting involves the mouse cursor switching back to the server, so you have to move it back to the client to click Yes, at which time Synergy will detect the UAC prompt is gone, and restart again to shed its admin privileges.
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