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Synergy, Win10 & IE

Danny Carlton

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Danny Carlton
I just updated the computer I'm using as my Synergy server to Win10 from Win7. Then the old problem of IE hanging on opening a new tab started to randomly appear. After fooling with a lot of different thing I finally was able to get it to behave by setting synergyd.exe and synergys.exe to Win8 compatibility. Hope this helps if anyone else is having the same problem.
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Danny Carlton
UPDATE: Well, it seems this actually doesn't solve the problem. Restarting the Synergy process temporarily stops the problem, which made me believe changing the compatibility does.
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Thanks very much Danny for this info. Is the problem intermittent or reliably reproducible? I didn't find any bugs which seemed to be related other than this: https://github.com/symless/synergy/issues/2709 You haven't mentioned your version of Synergy, or Internet Explorer. Have you checked that the issue does not happen with a directly-connected keyoard/mouse? Hangs (upon opening new tab) are quite common in later versions of IE, and there are solutions for those issues or they were fixed in later versions. - Brian
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Danny Carlton
[quote="Brian S."]Thanks very much Danny for this info. Is the problem intermittent or reliably reproducible? I didn't find any bugs which seemed to be related other than this: https://github.com/symless/synergy/issues/2709 You haven't mentioned your version of Synergy, or Internet Explorer. Have you checked that the issue does not happen with a directly-connected keyoard/mouse? Hangs (upon opening new tab) are quite common in later versions of IE, and there are solutions for those issues or they were fixed in later versions. - Brian[/quote] Synergy 1.7.5 IE 11 It seems to be consistently reproducible a few hours after synergy is restarted using Yahoo on any search, and clicking on a result (which will try to open in a new tab). restarting synergy postpones the problem. It will randomly appear on other pages when trying to open a new tab.
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Thanks Danny for that info. I'll create a GitHub issue for but would like to get more info so that it is more detailed. Is this definitely happening only in IE? I mean, do you use other browsers (while using Synergy) as much as you use IE? I had forgotten to ask about whether this could be happening in IE only because that is your primary browser. What do you mean exactly that IE hangs? The program becomes unresponsive (while other programs continue to work), and only works again if restarted? Something else? Would you mind helping us with some details? I did not find any relevant GH issues for "internet explorer 11" and either "hang" or "crash" so it seems this isn't very common. - the exact version currently of your IE 11? - is your IE 32-bit or 64-bit? same question for your Windows 10? - how often (if ever) this has happened w/out Synergy running - the amount of time that elapses before a hang, after start Synergy (average, least time, most time) - what are the URLs that when you opened them, IE hung? - can you sometimes open those same URLs without IE hanging? - if you run IE w/out Synergy for at least the longest amount of time that you have seen IE run without hanging while Synergy was running, does IE continue to open new tabs (with those same URLs) without problems? - what plugins/extensions are in your IE 11? Have you tried any of the steps in this article?: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-in/inte ... g#ie=ie-11 Thanks again. - Brian
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  • 3 months later...
Jerry Read
Has then issue been resolved, and is it the same issue that I've been experiencing? Here are details of my issue: Internet Explorer 11 Windows 10 Synergy Pro 1.7.6 I am running the Synergy server on the above mentioned machine. Initially, everything works fine. However, after a while IE start acting strange. If I try to open a new tab, the tab never appears. Also, I am no longer able to type in the address bar. If I restart Synergy, things go back to normal for a while, then the issue repeats.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Andreas Schulz
I've exactly the same issue! Win 10 64-bit with IE11 64-bit (latest official patched version) Synergy 1.7.6 This issue happens on my Synergy "Server" only.
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