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Customer Support

Eugene Fedorov

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  • 2 years later...
Chris Niemi

Not sure what happened, was using computer this morn and everything was OK, came back my desk top has changed. Trying to restart Synergy and its asking for serial #

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  • 2 months later...




Just tell me there is a new version, please stop discontinuing all functionality and forcing the download of the newest versions.
Stopping all functionality is extremely annoying and indicates to me that I am not the owner..

Also really pisses me off !!

These actions only make me hope for some synergy competition..

Since you have indicated in the past that I own the product and am not renting it.
It is my choice if I wish to remain at version 2.0.x, not your choice.

What happens when I am no longer allowed updates ??  Does my current active version HALT ???
That would indicate to me that I am not the owner..

Make up your mind is the program mine or not !!


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