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Synergy versions (betas)

James Vincent

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James Vincent
Hello everyone - I have 1.8.0 (beta) running on my Fedora 23 and Window 7 machines. I am signed up as a 'beta tester' and received an email stating that 1.7.6 RC3 is now available. Can someone help me understand the differences? I normally would consider the higher version number the "most current" but now I am not sure. I don't mind bleeding edge and most times welcome it because bugs are usually fixed and new features can be used sooner.
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James Vincent
Thanks, I did see those but I am still wondering which one to run. From a "most current" perspective, is the 1.8.0 one best or the 1.7.6 RC3? Is the 1.7.6 RC levels nightly builds that will eventually become a beta level in 1.8?
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