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cant make it work in fedora 23

Ashfaqur Rahaman

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Ashfaqur Rahaman
Hello, I am new to synergy. I have just downloaded , installed but could not make it work though. Here is my configuration. I have 2 machine - HP-Envy Laptp Dell Server wtih 2 monitor Now , I installed the synergy server in the Dell server and client in the HP. the client is connected with server , not issue in that. After connection , I cant take control of the mouse in laptop. When I move the mouse, it says, leaving area , then I can see the window of the HP laptop screen is highlighted but the pointer of the mouse stand still. When I drag back the mouse to dell server , it shows the pointer . So basically I think the mouse goes over the HP laptop screen, but just not working after that. Maybe I missing something ? :ugeek:
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