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Failed to Connect Timed Out

Claudia burdette

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Claudia burdette
Hello, I've downloaded Synergy on both Computers Server: Windows 10 Client: Windows 8 Same network.... Auto Config doesn't seem to work I tried all IP addresses, and Network DNS Tried uninstall/reinstall The Client PC does show up on the Server PC. I should have researched more thoroughly this product before just trying it after seeing a YouTube. Hopefully someone can assist me in getting it working. Thanks. Claudia
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Yuya Fujiwara1491393133
Could you try wizard once again on the server and client? [attachment=0]ScreenShot12.png[/attachment] If it didn't work, (1) check network connection on the client >ping (Server IP adress) (Probably you did it, I'm asking to make sure) (2) check the firewall on the server and client On the "Windows Firewall" pane, Select "Allow an app or feature through Windows Firewall" of the left side bar. You'll find "synergy" in the central pane. When synergy did not allow to transmit signal beyond the firewall, you change it and try the wizard of synergy again. If you couldn't find "synergy" on the firewall setting, "Change settings" ->"Allow another app.." -> select synergy. and run the synergy wizard.
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