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Can't install "Install dir must be on local hd"


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Hello I wanted to install Synergy 1.7.5 unfortunately I can't because of a message poping up when I select the installation dir (C:\Program Files\Synergy\ which is on a local hard drive). Win 7 Pro 64 bit (Server) Run as administrator is not possible as it is a .msi file. Also the checkbox with the option in Properties is also greyed out. What can I do? v1.7.3 works but is not that stable. Client is a Surface Pro Win 10 64bit with v1.7.5
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This error is caused by a permission issue with Windows Installer. It can be difficult to work around if you're not an advanced user. I will give you the steps, but if this doesn't work for you, you may need to ask someone to help you with it. Here are the instructions: Move the Synergy install file to c:\ Click the Start button Type CMD Right-click on where it says "Command Prompt" Click Run as Administrator Type: cd \ Press enter Type: msiexec /i And then a space And then the filename of the Synergy installer. I don't know which file you downloaded so I can't give you the exact name, but a lot of times if you just type "syn" and then press the TAB key it will finish it for you. Then go through the install process as normal and it should work. If you would like the Synergy staff to help you directly, please sign up as a Pro user and submit a help request.
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