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Windows 10 updated and won't do SSL properly

Teddi Bidwell

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Teddi Bidwell
I have a Windows 10 Client connecting to a Windows 8.1 server. Windows 10 did some update screen, and now it is saying: [quote][2015-12-09T15:41:06] DEBUG2: connecting secure socket [2015-12-09T15:41:06] ERROR: ssl error occurred (generic failure) [2015-12-09T15:41:06] ERROR: error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol [2015-12-09T15:41:06] ERROR: failed to connect secure socket [/quote] Both Client and Server have the SSL checkbox connected and I can see the --enable-crypto in the logs. It works fine if I disable SSL on server and client. How can I troubleshoot the SSL problem? Thanks
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  • 3 weeks later...
I've had this problem for two years now. My Synergy has remained broken all this time, and no one seems to know how to fix it. Can't even find any online help. The worst part is, I need this software to utilize my Linux client that I just pushed off to the side of the desk. Now I need that stupid Linux computer again... so I *MUST fix it. Having two keyboards, two mice, and four monitors on the same desk makes me want to smack my forehead with one of them. I keep typing on the wrong keyboard.
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